Friday, August 31, 2012

Hello, World...

Lately I've been getting nerdier every day. That's quite an accomplishment for someone who considers herself to be a lifelong nerd. At any rate, I've been looking for people to discuss my nerdy loves with, and since there's nobody here, I figured I might as well discuss them with myself. The intellectual debates should be phenomenal. The best part of debating things with myself is the fact that I'll win no matter what. I also like winning. It's one of my favorite things.

Before you get too excited about the fascinating things to come on this blog, keep in mind that I'm a homebody with absolutely no social life. Possibly because I'm such a geek. I spend a lot of time watching hockey and making random desserts that are deliciously bad for you. I also read. I blame my excessive childhood reading for my atrocious eyesight. Sometimes I make crafts, too. They're usually terrible. I usually end up angry because I'm a perfectionist and I can never make them perfect. That should provide at least a post's worth of blog fodder. Hopefully it'll be better than this post.